Smudging is burning herbs most commonly Sage to get rid of negative energy on yourself, your home or any space.
Smudging can be useful when you’re feeling depressed, angry, resentful, unwell or after you have had an argument with someone or if you have felt a negative presence in your home or you feel there are unwhanted spirits. You would normally use a smudge stick to do this, you can make your own or by them from most new age stores. Smudging is thousands years old itw as used by Native Americans, in ancient Rome and Greece and ancient Egypt as a way to cleanse a space from bad spirits and negative energy.
To smudge, light a smudge stick and let it catch fire. Extinguish the fire and let the smoke billow from the stick. Walk around your home letting the smoke get everywhere, in every room, in cupboards and small spaces. The smoke is not dangerous and will not harm you or your pets. Use a bowl to catch any ashes.
Smudging is burning herbs most commonly Sage to get rid of negative energy on yourself, your home or any space.
Smudging can be useful when you’re feeling depressed, angry, resentful, unwell or after you have had an argument with someone or if you have felt a negative presence in your home or you feel there are unwhanted spirits. You would normally use a smudge stick to do this, you can make your own or by them from most new age stores. Smudging is thousands years old itw as used by Native Americans, in ancient Rome and Greece and ancient Egypt as a way to cleanse a space from bad spirits and negative energy.
To smudge, light a smudge stick and let it catch fire. Extinguish the fire and let the smoke billow from the stick. Walk around your home letting the smoke get everywhere, in every room, in cupboards and small spaces. The smoke is not dangerous and will not harm you or your pets. Use a bowl to catch any ashes.